Jon Thomas “JT” Tumilson
Age: 35
Branch: USN
Rank(s): OS2, OS1, SO1
Unit(s): ST1, NSWDG
Station: Oceana, VA
Fallen on: 06 August 2011
Location: Afghanistan
Era: Global War on Terror
Medals & Commendations: Purple Heart and Defense Meritorious Service Medal (awarded posthumously)
Hometown: Rockford, IA
SO1 Tumilson was killed on August 6, 2011 in Wardak Province, Afghanistan when insurgents shot down a CH-47 Chinook helicopter, callsign Extortion 17. The greatest single-incident loss in Naval Special Warfare history, Extortion 17 is remembered for the 30 American lives lost, including SO1 Tumilson.